
Qopper Der Lenn's goodbye

On the eve of his 20th birthday, champion pony Qopper Der Lenn will bid farewell to competition on Saturday February 8 at 6:30 pm on the Jumping International de Bordeaux track. His family and friends share their thoughts and emotions.

Brune Faivre, rider who won the Vitesse and Grand Prix Excellence competitions with Qopper, on the occasion of the Super As Poney Elite, organized at Jumping international de Bordeaux in 2024. 

“Qopper is really a pony you only meet once in your life, he's exceptional, out of the ordinary and has an indescribable character. Qopper is a French saddle pony who is 19 years old, very intelligent, with a lot of character, very competitive and fast. He can get on his nerves easily, but he's adorable. He's the pony I've kept the longest, and he's taken me from the lowest to the highest. He's given me all the first places: my double in competitions, the French championships, the European championships, the World Cups. If I had to single out one moment with Qopper this winter, it would be the World Cup in Mechelen. It's thanks to him that I'm where I am today. He really gave me everything that weekend, and I'd like to thank him enormously. Qopper is the pony who gives me the most joy and the most love, and he's the pony of my life.” 

Stéphane Faivre, bellhop 

“Everyone already knows what I think of Qopper. We've come a long way together, crossed a lot of mountains. I now have the difficult task of bringing our story to a close, and I dread any conclusion. Thank you my friend, for everything, I love you Qopper der Lenn”. 

Miléna Le Guen, rider 

“Qopper is a pony after my own heart. He's pure genius, giving his all for his riders and needing that fusion to perform. He's a delight to follow, even from a distance, and it's a great source of pride for me to have started him.” 

Nathalie and Bruno Martin 

“Qopper is a strong-willed, affectionate, possessive warrior and a cracking sportsman. He's the equine that embodies courage, high standards and altruism, giving mankind a real lesson in life.”


Marie Martin, rider 

“Qopper is the horse of a lifetime, 1m40 of talent, strength, genius, audacity and courage. He's quite simply my best partner.” 

Laurent Calcus  

“What best characterizes Qopper is his will, his courage and his energy.”    

Eric Muhr  

“A big thank you to Qoppichon, this extraordinary pony who brought us many happy moments that we still remember.”  

Lou Mai Flipo, cavalière 

“At first, many people doubted his talent. But as soon as he entered the ring and started jumping, everyone was impressed. He's really an extraordinary pony who gives his all and will do anything to please his rider. I was very lucky to cross his path.”   

Bertrand Renaud  

“Brune and Qopper, the beautiful story that I was lucky enough to start, as I was the first test. I was a bit skeptical, given the pony's boundless energy. But in the end, they accepted each other, and it's what we see today. I had the privilege of taking her to her first grand prix, in Toulouse. She was ready and won. Now all she needs is a title. I really hope it'll be this year, and we believe it will be. I remain her most fervent supporter.” 

Daniel Joly  

“Happy birthday Qopper, and above all, thank you for everything you've given us over the last few years, those many victories with rankings. You've thrilled us, you've made us dream and I know it's not over yet. I realize how lucky I am to train such a talented pony. A little wink to Brune, it's up to us to write the end of the story.”  

Olivier Bost  

“It's hard to sum up Qopper in just a few words. He's a pony with extraordinary energy and a bouncing ball. I love having him with us in CSIO, as part of a team, and I think he makes a wonderful pair with Brune. Good luck for the future. I really hope to be able to count on him all season long, and to see him doing all these Grand Prix and Nations Cups with such energy and brilliance for a long time to come.” 

Marie Faivre, sœur de Brune Faivre 

“Qopper is Prince Charming, and his story with my sister is like a fairy tale every little pony girl dreams of. For our family, it really is our life. We're very attached to him and I wish him a very happy birthday.”